Renew, Repair, Replace.
Renew, Repair, Replace.
Sooner or later!
Time has a tendency to wear everything down over time and garage doors are absolutely no exception. Sometimes rollers break or mess up, seals and strips get ripped and worn out, sensors get misaligned, and weather especially can absolutely take its toll on a door. We all know these things but often don’t actively think much more about it amidst everything else life throws at us. The good news though is that Allied Garage Door is here to fix that!
Sooner or later those problems can go from something minor and cosmetic to something major that completely damages the door beyond repair and re-used. Sometimes it is a simple problem with a quick fix and sometimes it is a small problem just waiting to turn into a major one if not caught early enough. For your convenience we have placed some photos below for assistance in recognizing common problems and issues.
Whether you’ve got a minor cosmetic issue or it isn’t working at all, give us a call!